Brad Cates is an experienced immigration attorney, both at the individual and senior policy level. We do not accept cases from individuals who have entered the country illegally. However, we are able to represent immigration cases involving family unification and adoption, and business and special talent categories.
We fully support President Trump’s Immigration Plans. As a Counsel to the head of the former-Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), I understand the urgent gravity of stopping this Biden- Miorkas madness. The security and humanitarian damage deliberately created by them is nearly incalculable.
As an experienced international businessmen, I know well the imperfect compromises that went into writing the existing law. It is a balance of Big Business search for low wage workers, family ties, and humanitarian and other considerations. While I disagree with several details of the existing law, about one million immigrants a year.are allowed. We can vigorously pursue applications seeking these visas.
However, Biden’s twisted and illegal manipulation of the system deliberately let in over nine million illegal entrants, four times New Mexico’s total population, nine times the number allowed under current law, and more than the population of 38 states!
Tens of millions of deserving and qualified people can wait years to get a immigrant visa legally. But these illegal “asylum seekers” are trying to jump to the head of the line. As we learned in grade school, that is wrong and should not be allowed ! By current law, only about 5% of these illegal entrants will qualify for asylum, as they should be properly classified “economic migrants” . And the rest? Biden intends to look the other way as they just melt away, unvetted, undeported, indefinitely getting free phones, medical care and free housing, and depressing wages for lower income Americans and legal immigrants. We do not represent persons who we assess to be using the asylum system to seek economic advantage.
Vice President Harris gave away the game recently, when she stated that the Biden Administration goal is to make their transition to citizenship as easy as possible. It is not right to let them skip to the head of the line! It is unfair and demeaning to the tens of millions of new Americans who patiently waited and came legally over the last few decades. The point will be driven home especially poignantly when a terrorist sleeper cell commits it first atrocity.